Two individualized questionnaire links in One email | XM Community
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Hi everyone!


I’m currently working on an emailing for our first questionnaire (we will call it “Questionnaire 1”).

As it’s very important to our company, we would like to free ourselves of the standard Qualtrics unsubscribing link (to avoid the displaying of the Qualtrics logo to our final clients).


In this purpose :

  • I “hid” the standard Qualtrics unsubscription link in the email, so that it is no longer visible to customers
  • I created a specific Unsubscribtion questionnaire (with the brand of our company, that we will call Questionnaire 2) + associated a workflow that automatically opt-out the clients from my Contact list that confirm the unsubscribtion in this  questionnaire.
  • I added the link of my “Questionnaire 1” with the following tag :

${l://SurveyLink?d=Take the Survey}

  • I wanted to add the “Questionnaire 2” in the same invitation email but I don’t know how to insert the individualized link of my questionnaire in my email.

Do you have any solution to this problem?


Many thanks in advance,

Have a nice day

Use an anonymous link for Questionnaire 2 and add an authenticator to it that automatically authenticates on ExternalDataReference.  Then pipe ExternalDataReference into a url parameter in the anonymous link. 

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