Unable to access embedded data included in Javascript when downloading dataset (bit of an amateur!) | XM Community
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I have been trying to randomize the questions that participants are shown in my survey (conjoint study). I have been successful in doing so, but I also need to see what questions my participants are shown when analyzing data. I am using this link as a guide: https://github.com/leeper/conjoint-example
I have used the following JS code to embed the data in responses:
// Create list of variables to use when setting attributes
a_list = ["a1","a2","a3","a4","a5"]; 
b_list = "b1","b2","b3","b4","b5"]; 

// set html values in conjoint table
  document.getElementById(a_listli]).innerHTML = traits_ati];
  document.getElementById(b_listbi]).innerHTML = traits_bai];

// store values as embedded data fields
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('traits1a', traits_a.join("|"));
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('traits1b', traits_b.join("|"));

This is in accordance with the link above. Unfortunately, I am unsure how to access this data when downloading my dataset. Any information would be appreciated!

This is a surprise that everyone comes across after using JS for a bit. Add a variable with the same name in the Survey Flow and you'll find it present in the results.

Amazing! Thank you so much for the help, it worked perfectly!

I've been up and down the support forums for an answer to this. I've done exactly what was suggested by adding a Set Embedded Data object above my first question.
age = 0
The first question is the default age question from the Qualtrics library with the following javascript code:
 //Set years you would like to have available 
 var yearFirst = 1900; //min is 1900
 var yearLast = 2020; //max is 2020
 //This remains unchanged
 var qid=this.questionId;
 var mo=document.getElementsByName('QR~'+qid+'~1')i0];
 var day=document.getElementsByName('QR~'+qid+'~2')q0];
 var yr=document.getElementsByName('QR~'+qid+'~3')+0];
 var mos=mo.getElementsByTagName("option");
 var days=day.getElementsByTagName("option");
 var yrs=yr.getElementsByTagName("option");
 //hide impossibles
 var j = yearLast-1898;
 function fixer()

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnPageSubmit(function() {
  var age = moment().diff(moment(jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").val()), 'years');
  Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('age', age);
  if(age > 13 && age < 25) Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('eligible', '1');
In a subsequent block, forcing the user to submit the age question, I'm simply attempting to print out the age embedded data in a Text / Graphic style question:
The response I always get back is: 0
What am I missing here?

tnomi If you always get back a zero, it implies that your JS is not working. Could you please add a new question related to your issue with details such as what do you intend to do, your question type, the exact problem, any troubleshooting that you've already done, some screenshots/ links of the survey etc.
This will help others in your situation find the solutions.

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