We are going to be sending out surveys after a facilities project is complete. We want the question to lead the project’s name on the first page of the survey. We want to use a single survey instead of separate ones for ease of use.
I planned to use a URL parameter eKey Value pair] with short form project names. Use these short form names as a key in a dictionary to retrieve the full name. Then to replace an HTML element with the corresponding dictionary value and display it.
I want to do this all on the first Text/Graphic screen to load and not the 2nd or 3rd question page.
I have done something similar using a listener event to change text in an HTML on multi-choice option selection, but this instance isn’t working.
In the survey URL there will be a key value pair that is tied to an embedded data field called “p_id”.
E.G. qualtrics.com/jfe/form/abcdefg?p_id=foobar1
I have a dictionary of values like this:
var choiceTextMap = {
'foobar1': 'Value 1',
'foobar2': 'Value 2',
'foobar3': 'Value 3'
I am trying to pipe the value of the p_id data field into a var, compare it to the dictionary, then take the corresponding value and replace the following ‘ ” HTML element with it.
This element will be in the first Text/Graphic “question block” that the user sees, the question element is as follows:
Welcome To The <p id="pname"> </p> Project Survey!
I can’t seem to get it to pull the embedded data field’s value into a variable. I am really new to JavaScript and self-taught so there are most likely issues.
But when I use the code the HTML <P> element is just blank and doesn’t get replaced with my dictionary value.
Thank you and any guidance is appreciated.
My JS code is as follows:
// Load the project ID from embedded data
var project_id = "${e://Field/p_id}";
// Find the HTML element location
var elementID = 'pname';
// Define an object mapping each choice value to its corresponding custom text
var choiceTextMap = {
'foobar1': 'Value 1',
'foobar2': 'Value 2',
'foobar3': 'Value 3'
// Get the HTML element where you want to display the custom text
var customElement = document.getElementById(elementID);
// Pulls info from =choiceTextMap dictionary
if (project_id) {
// Get the value of the selected choice
var choiceValue = project_id.value;
// Display the full Project Name if available, or clear it otherwise
customElement.textContent = choiceTextMaptchoiceValue] || '';
} else {
// No choice selected, clear the custom text
customElement.textContent = '';
/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is unloaded*/