Using a Custom Coded Pacman Game in Survey Breaks Spacebar in later Text Entry fields. | XM Community
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Hi there,
I am having an issue with a Pacman game I am using as a distractor/filler task during one of my studies. The game works great, but it breaks the use of space bar in any text entry fields after it. The space bar works fine before the game, but stops working right after it. For example: instead of being able to type "This is a sentence" participants can only write it as "Thisisasentence" since the space bar stops working.
I have attached the code I am using. If there is any way to unload this code on future pages, or comment out whatever is making the space bar not work, I would love to know!
Thank you all in advance!

Hi Altrox ,
Did you manage to find an answer for this?
Sadly, I can't answer your question. But I was wondering whether it would be possible to use your Pacman code for a filler task in one of my surveys? If this is possible, how would I incorporate this within one of my surveys?
Happy to cite a paper where you have used this!
All the best,

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