Using answers to survey questions in css/html/look and feel | XM Community
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I want to take the numerical answers to two survey questions. Then I will apply these to a known fixed mathematical formula (actually a multiple regression equation). Then I want to scale images in subsequent questions by this factor.

e.g. Answer 1 = X1, Answer 2 = X2

scaleFactor = aX1 + bX2 + c

For each image:

width = width * scaleFactor

Any thoughts about how I can achieve this?

Save the answer as Embedded Data. Then, in the place you want to use the number just reference your ED.



<img id="Falcon" style="width: ${e://Field/falconWidth}" src="falcon.png"/>


Obviously in this case it assumes the `width * scalefactor` calculation has been done in the survey flow. If this is not possible, then you should use JavaScript to do it for you. Something like in this gist:

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