Using embedded date to determine the probability that a block/ question is displayed? | XM Community

Using embedded date to determine the probability that a block/ question is displayed?

Hi all,
I am running an experiment in which participants are displayed a random number between 0 and 1 (decimal), which should determine the probability that a certain consequence occurs. I used piped text to generate the random number, and have set this in an embedded data field.
Now, I'm looking for a way to set the survey flow so that this same random number determines the probability that either block 1 or block 2 is displayed. For example, if the random number displayed to the participant is 0.6, I want there to be a 60% chance that block 1 is presented, and a 40% chance that block 2 is presented.
Does anyone know of a way to do this?

2 replies

Badge +48

Hi Pietams - we moved this question our Developer Corner, as it would requite custom code to accomplish. Otherwise, feel free to drop this as Product Idea, so it may be considered by our Product team for future development!

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

This won't be possible without JS.
However, I feel its not something that'll have an impact on your study.
Just think about it.
Whwn designing studies, try to look at them from the participants perspective, what are they going to see, how do they interact. AFTER That start adding your conditions. You'll get done faster and get better data.

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