Using embedded id data passed to Qualtrics to search a list for additional condition data | XM Community
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I have students coming in to Qualtrics from a scheduling website (SONA systems). The scheduling website will pass the participant's id to Qualtrics, and Qualtrics accepts and saves it. I want to use this id data to search a list and then assign the participant to a condition. Specifically, our situation is:

1. In a first study in Qualtrics, SONA passed the participant's id to Qualtrics where it was saved as embedded data.

2. In the Qualtrics survey, they were randomly assigned to condition, and this data was saved (i.e. id and condition data from survey 1 saved together).

3. They are now coming back to do a second survey and we want to use the condition information from survey 1 to assign them to a condition in survey 2. So:

Survey 1 Condition A -> Survey 2 Condition B

Survey 1 Condition B -> Survey 2 Condition A

Has any one done that? Any tips?


You can add a Contact Trigger to Survey 1 to save the ID (use the ExternalDataReference field) and the condition (an embedded data field) to a Contact List.

Then you can add an Authenticator to Survey 2 that uses the contact list to populate the condition from Survey 1 in an embedded data field in Survey 2. Use the Prefill option to automatically fill in the ID in the Authenticator from an id parameter you pass in the survey url.
Thanks Tom! I tried this with a contact list and branched to the correct conditions with respective participants, and also bypassed this part of the survey if they had not taken study 1. Works perfectly!

I also figured out how to assign them to a condition if they did not do the first survey, and the Authentication fails. I put a branch immediately below and outside of the Authenticator and if the embedded data variable for the condition in the first survey 'is empty', the participant gets shunted to a specific condition.

Thanks again!!

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