Using or creating predetermined dropdown menu | XM Community
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Dear colleagues,

What is the best and preferably also the easiest way to create a predetermined dropdown menu for general data like nationality and sex participants can choose from? I would expect that these standard information would be available in Qualtrics. But I just can’t find it anywhere. 


Thanks for the advice!



Try Import Questions → Qualtrics Library → Demographics

If they aren’t dropdowns, you can easily change the format to dropdown. Also, once you create a question you can copy it to a library for future use.

For more information on @TomG suggestion, please follow the below link:

Categories of Content Available

Thx @TomG and @Sachin Nandikol. It does seem that I cannot change anything about the imported questions. Is that correct? Or can I select something so that I’m authorized to change a list?

Hello @FedeS,

It is possible to make changes to certified questions. However, these modifications will not retain benchmarking and standardization once the question is edited. Changes can be made to the Imported Survey Question Text and adjustments can also be made by directly editing the answer choices. However, any modifications to the question will render it ineligible to contribute data to Qualtrics' PX Benchmark national dataset. Although you can still access and utilize Qualtrics PX benchmarks for comparison, customizing your questions will disqualify their data from contributing to the Qualtrics dataset. Nonetheless, you are free to continue making any desired customizations.

Thx @Sachin Nandikol 

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