Using the block ID as an embedded variable within the block? | XM Community
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I am wondering if it possible to create some kind of embedded variable as the id of a block. Here is my use case:

I need to give the participants in my survey the same questions in three different forms, say v1 v2 v3. For each of my variations, I am using embedded data with consistent naming conventions.
For example in the block v1, I use variables ${e://Field/v1_name}, ${e://Field/v1_place}, etc. If I could import the block name as an embedded variable ideally I could write something like ${e://Field/${e://Field/blockID}_name}, ${e://Field/${e://Field/blockID}_place} which would work at scale for blocks v1 v2 and v3.

Is it possible to pull in the block name do such a thing?

There isn't any easy way to access block ids. You could assign them yourself just before the block in the survey flow. However, your example wouldn't work because you can't nest embedded data fields.

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