Video File Upload and Mobile Optimization | XM Community
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I have a question about uploading video files onto Qualtrics. The file upload makes the user scroll left-right on mobile to see it in full, so is there a way to make the video files I uploaded responsive to mobile?
I've also tried coding several things that I wanted the video to do (like preventing participants from using the video progress bar once the video starts and only showing the next arrow once the video is complete). The next arrow works on mobile, but the progress bar did not. I am currently controlling the videos using a combination of HTML and JS.
This survey is for a research study. I'd really appreciate it if anyone could provide a custom code, since I've already tried using Display logic for "mobile" users, which did not work. I've attached a picture of what I have for my code so far below:

Set the width to a percentage, like 80% or something. This will allow it to scale up and down based on the question container.
Your code should work on mobile also. Perhaps there's some conflict with the browser, try another one. If it still doesn't work. By default, videos don't have controls. So remove the word controls from your video tag.
Add a button in the question and set its on click attribute to play the video and disable itself.
qobj.questionContainer.querySelector("button").onclick = function () {

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