What is the algorithm that qualtrics name the image in the library? | XM Community
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I want to write a customized code to tell qualtrics to call one of the images I uploaded. To do this, I need to link the images I uploaded to the names qualtrics gives to them ( I noticed from the json code that qualtrics does not use the image name I gave, instead, it names the image in its own way). I wonder how can I figure out how qualtircs name the image in its script in order to call them in my customized code.

I do know that I can check the image name one by one through the json code but given the actual amount of images in my task, this is not a visible method.

I appreciate a lot for help!
You can go to Account Settings (top right corner) > Qualtrics IDs > Libraries > (select your library) > Graphics to get the list of all the image's IDs in that library.

Once you have that, save the entire ID list into an array, then use a number generator to pick one of the index from the array. Use the index to get the image's ID, and use the ID to generate the image link.
Thanks a lot! I made it!

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