What special question type answer values exist in Qualtrics? | XM Community
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We’ve recognized that question type answer values can have a value of -99 (e.g. for checkbox values usually set to true if ticked). Seems like this means something like “survey participant did not answer those questions”. In some cases we had values of -98. We could not find any docs about when this value is set (it’s not set by the survey participant). 

Are there other special values which need to be considered?


This is usually for choices like None, NA, I dont know. Mostly for data that is not very useful to the analysis.

If the option is enabled during data export, -99 is a default value for "Seen but unanswered" questions, though this value can be changed by clicking on -99 and typing something else before exporting. Similarly, you might see 0 values in the data if the "Recode seen but unanswered multi-value fields as 0" setting is enabled during data export.

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