Why the video changes the sound when adding the autoplay alternative through html | XM Community
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I have one survey in which I have a video displayed. The video and sound of it work perfectly good. So then, I added a div in html to not allow respondents to pause or mute the video. This also meant, I had to add the autoplay option (as they wont be able to click on play). However the video now sounds with eco, like if they were 2 videos running at the same time with some seconds of difference. Does anybody know why this happends? This is the new code with the div:

div style="height=40px;width=1280px;pointer-events:none;">

video autoplay="true" class="qmedia" controls="true" height="720" preload="auto" width="1280">

source src="MY VIDEO SOURCE">

embed align="middle" autoplay="false" bgcolor="white" class="qmedia" controller="true" height="720" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" src="MY VIDEO SOURCE" type="video/quicktime" width="1280"></video>


Thank you in advance!
Are you in preview mode? If so, the video and sound play in both frames, hence the echo.
Thank you for your suggestion. However I closed the mobile part before starting the preview mode and this also happended even outside the preview mode and in different browsers. I have even managed to understand that it happends because of the autoplay="true" at the begining of the code. But withouth this, the video doesnt starts.

For now, I found a different way to not allowing people to control the video after clicking play (https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/23181#Comment_23181). But without the autoplay. With the autoplay, I have not found an alternative.

I am having the same issue and wanted to see if anyone had a solution to this problem. It is as if there is a second video playing in the background that you can hear but not see; if you hit pause, the audio continues, and when you hit play again there is a huge lag between the two audio tracks.
I've tried editing all aspects of the code and the only edit that makes a difference is removing "autoplay=1" (and thus requiring respondents to start the video manually). In my study, I need participants to watch the video simultaneously and therefore need an automatic start. The video is 5 minutes long (i.e., way larger than the 16mb file limit) so uploading the file and enabling autoplay that way is not an option...
Any suggestions, or workarounds?

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