With youtube videos, can you advance to the next question immediately after each video is played? | XM Community
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With youtube videos, can you advance to the next question immediately after each video is played?

  • 23 July 2019
  • 1 reply

Hi all,

I am extremely new to Qualtrics and particularly the coding aspect.

In my survey, I am presenting several videos (each are embed from YouTube) which are followed by questions. An important aspect of my survey is that participants can't watch the same video twice. I was hoping there is a way to automatically advance to the next question after each video has been played once?

I've tried following the instructions on this post but had no luck in getting it to work: https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/1186/using-iframe-api-to-automatically-advance-to-next-page-after-a-video-has-been-watched

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

I am currently experiencing the same issue as you and have also come across the link you submitted. Didn't work for me either. I messaged ToMG on this thread and he told me this:

_"The good news is that you can advance when the video ends instead of after a fixed time. This is fairly easy to code if you have an html5 video...you just create video ended event handler that clicks the next button. However, the bad news is that since you are using YouTube it is rather more complex. You need to use the YouTube Player API to play the video and detect when it ends."_

I am still stuck trying to figure the code out, but if you crack it before I do, please do follow up!

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