Would like the person answering a question to be able to enter Italics. | XM Community
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It was recommended to use Qualtrics to transition from an old server. The server is for filling out an online application for attending conferences as a presenter. Part of the survey requires the title of publications and topics to be presented in the conference. To this end we need the person to is applying to be able to enter the title of the publication. This includes the need for bold and italic text.
This is not to be confused with the survey itself being in bold or italic but the responses need to be stylized.
In fact, the text entry on this form would be perfect if a survey could be made to enter text exactly like how I posed this question! The ability to highlight a word or sentence and receive the ability to enter bold or italics is perfect.

Try this

Yes please.
An example of a response would be as follows:

  • Influencia del teatro en Tormento, de Pérez Galdós”. In Rondas Literarias de Pittsburgh 2010, edited by Gregorio C. Martín. Duquesne University. (2011) 67-79.

In fact this text entry method is perfect for what I am looking for.
Screen Shot 2020-05-05 at 8.25.13 AM.pngAlso a side note. I think this question should have been in the category "How to use the Survey Platform instead of custom code. Sorry, very new to both Qualtrics and this forum.

This will be the best option to use.

Would like to minimize asking for direction. Could you point me to Qualtrics help and documentation on how to integrate the suggested modules?
Thank you for your patience. I come form a repair background, not web-coding.
Side note: My newb-ness is showing, Did not mean to make my second response to be added as a solution. Intended for your response to me listed as the solution. Is there a way to delete, or unmark my second entry as a solution?

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