Can I re-order my responses to use Number Set? | XM Community
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TL;DR - I need "Don't know" to be Yellow and I need "No" to be Green.

I have asked a question in my survey where the responses are (1) Yes; (2) No; (3) Don't know.

I would like to set the field type in the Dashboard Data mapper to Number Set (so I can use a Comparison widget) however I need (3) Don't know to be my neutral (Yellow).

Any ideas how I can make the scale order?


you can set up the colors in the scales option in dashboard settings. There will be a scale for that particular question. However is really rigid and i am not completely sure is going to let you change colors in that way, maybe you will have to change the scale position in the survey so dont know gets in the middle and no in the bottom
Thanks! Will keep it in mind for question ordering next year. 🙂

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