Can I rebase results for a ranking question? | XM Community
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Does anyone know if there’s a way to change the basing of a question for how it appears in Vocalize? As an example, we have a ranking question where we asked employees to rank the top 3 reasons for visiting a site. In the past, when we would process the data offline and prepare a PowerPoint, we would base the results to those who answered the question. However, in Vocalize, it’s basing it to those who rank the benefit. So what’s happening is the reasons for visiting are skewed if on Vocalize. It’s showing that “learn about retirement programs” was ranked #1 100% of the time, but when I manually calculated it, it’s less than 1% of time it was ranked #1.

Anyone know how to fix that?

It sounds like it's using each individual option as the denominator maybe?

I might just start over with a widget to breakdown rankings of the options. Here's one approach, where I grouped all the options (your benefits) in a new field group, added that to a simple chart x-axis. Then added top/bottom box metrics to break out was each option ranked 1, 2, 3, or 4.

You could invert this if you wanted to instead see the breakdown of rank 1 by option 1-4.

Thanks Steven. This is exactly what I did, but it still has base (or denominator) as those who ranked each item instead of the total responding. I'm guessing it's just how the pick, group, and rank questions work, at least when you only have them rank a few out of the full list. Interestingly, when I look at "Reports" it matches how we calculate it offline, so not sure why it can't happen in Vocalize.
I did reach out to Support just in case I was missing something, and here's what I was told: I have studied your questions with my team, and after much deliberation, we can confirm that what your trying to achieve is a limitation of the question type Pick, Group, and Rank. The widget should be able to base responses out of the total responses as shown in Reports-Reports, but the way that the question type gathers and organizes the data makes it not possible on Vocalize.

They did pass this along as a suggestion for a feature request. Fingers crossed!

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