"Clickable" links in Vocalize widgets? | XM Community
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Hello, Qualtrics Community! I have Contact Center survey which is managed by our center's IVR platform, but the data is ultimately migrated into Qualtrics for reporting and for use in Vocalize. In that survey, we ask an open-ended question which is saved on a file server in a .WAV format. The network location and filename of that file are stored in a text field (e.g., \\\\server\\folder\\comment.wav). When I export the data into Excel, interested parties can simply click that filename value and it'll play the respondent's comments via the audio file. I'm curious if it's possible to present those text values via Vocalize in a manner which will allow dashboard viewers to click the file location and allow them to download and/or play the audio files from there. Has anyone successfully created such a solution? If not, does anyone have any ideas how to accomplish this? Thanks for your time!
You can upload this variable with audio links in CSV to survey and make this variable as a text set in vocalize. Using this text variable make widget for open end data. It will display the links for each respondent.
Thanks for the quick reply! Can you elaborate on which widget I should use for the open-ended data? Displaying the links is one thing, but making them clickable, active links from the dashboard is another. Is that possible?
bansakoeyush29 - Thanks again for your help! I figured it out by using a simple table widget. Cheers!
Great it will work.

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