Combining Open Text Fields? | XM Community
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I have 5 separate Open Response questions that I would like to display all together in one widget (not divided up by question like in Record Grid). I tried to combine the 5 fields in the Setting mapping screen but it doesn't seem to let me map it as one widget/ all comments in one response ticker.... any advice?
Odd, I have 9 open comments fileds mapped in the Response ticker widget...

You sure they all have Open text as a field type?
Yes, definitely all open text. It let you group all 9 into one response ticker?

I think you have to select the 5 fields and disable the record grid option. This will work for response ticker. If you want to do it for the word cloud you can do it creating an embedded data field with the values of the 5 questions
> @ana_velez_voce said:

> If you want to do it for the word cloud you can do it creating an embedded data field with the values of the 5 questions

Do you have any more detail on this? I am trying to solve the same problem and while I was able to create a field group in the CX dashboard mapping to combined two open text questions I was not able to map them together into a word cloud etc. from what I can tell. (There was no option to grab the field group within that visualization's menu.)

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