Connecting 1 survey with a follow-up survey on the dashboard | XM Community
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I have two surveys.
When the first survey is finished, I send an email with a link to a second survey with the following variables:
https: //${rm://Field/ResponseID}&Original_SurveyId=${e://Field/SurveyID}

In my second survey, I make a GET call to${e://Field/Original_SurveyId}/responses/${e://Field/Original_ResponseId} and fetch some data from the first survey in the background.

Now, on the dashboard, I would like to connect the two.
More specifically, I'd like to know from all answers in the first survey, how many filled in the second survey. But I can't figure out how to connect them. Can anyone advise?

Hi JoycaV,
I would try to have an embedded data field, text set and set it in the first survey to 1 survey completed and in the second survey 2 surveys completed and create a widget with the field in the dashboard
Best regards


Hi Rudi,
Thanks for your reply,
but I don't see how that data field connects both surveys together?
I want to make a table widget with some columns with data from the first survey, and then some columns with data from the second survey (which might be blank in case the second survey wasn't filled in), so I need to know which answers from the second survey connect to which answers from the first survey. That's why I'm passing on the "response id" from my first survey via the url to the second survey, so manually via this response id I can look up the both responses together (or with excel), but I can't make it work in the dashboard 😞

You need to have a key identifying field that's common in both surveys (email, contact ID, etc? all of the above?). You can then map this field to the appropriate data value in both surveys. This allows you bring in all answers across both surveys mapped to that contact.

you are right, the value from the second survey will not overwrite the value in the first survey in a text set.
thinking a load:
maybe a multi-text embedded data field would work or
if I understood it correctly respondents can only answer the second survey once they have completed the first one.
hence one option could be to show the completes and have some embedded data field which you either use as x-axis or as a filter. For the last option, you might need two widgets

Best regards


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