Display times respondents chose excluded answer in widget | XM Community
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Hi Community, does anyone know of a smart way to display excluded anwers in a CX Dashboard widget?

I recoded to a 10-point scale, so the “don't know” option (6) needs to stay excluded, otherwise the average gets messed up. 

But perhaps there is a way to still get the count of 6, for example with a custom metric that subtracts the total count of respondents from the ones that answered 1-5?


If you will exclude that option directly in survey answer list so it will auto exclude from dashboard by itself. Either you create number set or text set.






Hi @ArunDubey, thank you for the suggestion, but I don't get how this will allow me to display a count of the times the excuded answer has been chosen without affecting the average of that question.

Take my CSAT question (Algemene tevredenheid). In the survey, I have recoded the Likert-scale to a 10-point scale and excluded the “don't know” option:

In the dashboard data, the recoding carries over and the “don't know” option is completely excluded.

In the table widget, next to the count of the respondents who answered the question and the average score for that question, I need to show the count of respondents who chose “don't know". How?


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