Editing the column ordering in a Dashboard Pivot table | XM Community
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Is anyone familiar with how to change the display order of columns in a pivot table dashboard? for some reason, the months are showing in a random order rather than in sequence. there does not seem to be an option to reorder them. I can do this in most other widgets but the Pivot table sees to be different. Does anyone know how I can achieve this?

are you displaying the months from a date or from a text value with the name of the month?
Hi Ana,

I am having the same difficulty. When using Text Value the sorting is alphabetical as opposed to month order.

Based on your question above, in Dashboard settings I created the same month field using 'Date' format. But this resulted in no data being displayed at all in my pivot.

Would you have any additional suggestions please?

I have the same question -- trying to figure out how to sort columns in a pivot table on a dashboard...

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