Email triggers on completion to specific users | XM Community
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Hi brains trust,

Is there anyway to automatically trigger an email to the appropriate individual (if not, then a centralised contact is also fine) when a response has come through with a link to the dashboard automatically filtered to a response ID (or even a pdf really)?

For example, if my client completes the survey, then I will receive an email telling me that it has come through where in the body of text there will be a link to the dashboard/the pdf to view the results.

I am thinking a long the lines of in the body of text, there is a generic link with response ID piped in.

Doesn't have to be limited to Vocalize, open to ideas.

I know this is a long shot but any insight is appreciated!

Something along the lines of this (unfortunately, it no longer works (?) ) -


You can use trigger email and at bottom check "include response report"
I would build embedded data into the survey that indicates who should get this survey should the need for the trigger arise.

EG: I have a survey which has staff for 4 different managers on it. Depending on the staff members who worked with the customer who got the survey, I have it grouped so that if it is staff member A, B, C, or D, then Manager= John. If Staff= E, F, G, or E, then Manager= Jane.

Then you can use the standard email trigger to send the emails based on any conditions you want. If the manger = John, and a survey is complete meeting a "unsatisfied customer" threshold, then send an email. The email should be able to contain your vocalize link, and any other information you want to pipe in from the survey itself.
@Kate, can I insert the vocalize link that is pre-filtered to the individual response so the receiving person doesn't have to do it?. Continuing on your staff-manager analogy, customer completes survey for staff A then email is triggered to John. Can John then receive the link to Vocalize populated with staff A customer feedback scores/comments? This is to limit the person viewing the dashboard from looking at other responses outside their scope.

@bansalpeeyush29 The "include response report" is too basic as I am intending for it to go out to senior management. Is there a way to include the response report as how it is shown in the dashboard?
@repattern I'm sorry I don't use vocalize, so I can't speak specifically to that. I don't know how creating links there works. I send the response report, as was indicated in the other post, and help get them to Salesforce which is where we house our survey responses.

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