First solo dashboard and I am stuck | XM Community
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I am sure I am making a simple mistake here, but creating a dashboard from a new survey, survey is working well and i want to create simple dashboard, i have brought the data over but cant get the widgets to show my fields
image.pngWhat am i doing wrong



Dashboards are great! Setting them up is sometimes trial and error!
Is your survey live and collecting data? I have to create test data to set up the widgets if I am creating the dashboard before live distribution.
If your survey is live, I have found that it can take some time once you link up the survey to the dashboard for the fields to show. This also happens when I make Field Name or Field Type changes to the Dashboard Data. I usually give the system an hour and come back to find my fields. I supposed it can take a while to make all the connections.
Also, make sure your Field Types are compatible with the widgets you are using. Here is the support link.

Thanks, yes i was been impatient!

Glad that is all it was! Congratulations on your first dashboard...your life will never be the same!!

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