How can I apply different weighting to dashboard with multiple datasets | XM Community
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Hello guys, 

Happy new year to everyone. 

I have a question, I am currently working on creating a dashboard with 2 different datasets (Survey 2022 and Survey 2023). I have applied a weighting to my 2022 dataset and I would like to apply another weighting scheme to my 2023 dataset. 


To give you context in this surveu I have multiple embedded data on which I apply the weighting :

  • Q_Language (FR, IT, PT, ES or PT)
  • Type (buyer or visitor)
  • And I also want to apply certain weighting to respondents ages.

It would give something like that within the same weighting scheme  :


Can someone please help with this ? 

Just add a year to your model, and you can then define the weight model for each year.

Hello @InessaG thanks for your reply.

How can I do this in my dashboard please 

What do you mean by model ? Is it dataset source ? 

The way I do it is create a Cell-based weighting scheme

and select “Data needs to be weighted as waves” checkbox that appears once you select that option.

You will then selecte the Date field you want to use - typically it’s the “Survey Metadata - Date Ended”, and you’ll want to break it out by year.



It will then allow you to define the weights for each year separately. Just add all the variables you want to be included in the weighting, and define the separate weights for each year.


I would also do this as per InessaG comment.

Hello @InessaG 

Thanks for your answer. 

I’m trying to do this but I don’t see no “Data Ended” in my options :



Hello @InessaG 

Oh sorry I finally saw it thanks !

I wonder now how do I create multiple waves within the same Weighting scheme. I could only create one. 

Thanks in advance for your help. 

It should automatically create a wave for each year, you’ll just need to adjust the weights for each year as you see fit.


Oh ok I see what you mean now. 

The thing is I would like to apply a certain weighting to some variables (Age x Country) within the different sources, not the data source itself. Do you think it’s possible ? 

My sentences might not be clear enough let me know !

You can add as many variables as you need to to the Cell Based weighting scheme. 

Hello @InessaG 

Thanks ! Yes, I can see that I can apply weighting on different variables, but what I would like to do is cross my variables a sort of mix between cell based and raked weighting. To be more specific, I would like to apply a weighting on my italiens respondants that have between 30 and 39 year so two different variables. Is there any way I can do this ? 




As I mentioned above, you can add as many variables as you want. So you can add both the language and age into your weighting scheme and assign weights appropriately.

Hello @InessaG for your help.

I am trying to apply weightings on variables that I would cross (example : age & country) and I am trying to do this for each country but it seems like in your solution if I add any variables they’ll all crossed together, it that right ? 

Yes, just apply a weight of 0 where it’s not applicable.

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