How can I compare data from a pre and post survey together? | XM Community
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This might be a basic question for most but I am new here. Truly appreciate any basic answers and input.
I am a Research assistant developing a project in which subjects will have to take a Pre-course survey and a post course survey. I am required to report the results of both by identifying the answer of the pre with the post.
In other words, the same subject's answers for both surveys, without displaying any personal information, such as name or email.

Hi Denyimargarita,
Easiest way would be to give each respondent a special ID that does not identify them personally (eg: a random string of letters). You would want to set up a list of your participants in the Directory, and include a column with this unique ID in the upload.
Then, you can used personalised links to distribute the survey. Each participant gets a separate link, but tracks their embedded data (such as the unique ID) which you can cross-check in the results.
Hope that helps!

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