How can I represent a heat map question in a dashboard? | XM Community
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I don't find any widget that shows the info from a heat map question.
There is no such widget specialy ment for heat map question.

As data is stored for heat map questions in form like region1,2,3...

You can display frequency i.e no of clicks for each region using simple table widget.
Thank you very much, @bansalpeeyush29,

That's what I wanted but the problem is I cannot mapped this field in the dashboard or at least I can't find out where the field is.

When I open Dashboards settings and I try to map a heat map field, it doesn't appear anywhere. Also I've tried to enter the field ID in the box but the system doesn't recognized it neither.

It's strange because in Reports tab (inside survey) these kind of fields are authomatically mapped and are represented in many ways.

Thanks and regards.
do you know the variable id or name. Extract your data and confirm the variable name.

Than when you enter the dashboard:-

1.) click on gear button on left top.

2.)Enter in Dashboard data tab


3.) Add field and map your question

Thank you for your quick response, @bansalpeeyush29.

I've started a new dashboard from scracth, and my question which is the Q11 doesn't appear in the dashboard data.


When I've tried to mapped it, it doesn't appear in the list of fields you are allowed to select.


My survey is also publish, so I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but the fact is I can't find that field in the dashboards.

Thanks and sorry for the unknowledge.
Hello @"César"

Please see this page
Ahh it cant be shown as per page shared by @Shashi .

If you real want, you can try storing data in some embedded variable than use that.
Thank you very much @bansalpeeyush29 , as @Shashi told us yesterday that kind of questions are not visible from Vocalize, but I could saved the answer from a hot spot question in embedded variable and use it in a simple chart inside Vocalize.
Yes right

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