How to report Ticket resolution time in days, rather than minutes | XM Community
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I'm building Dashboards for our Follow-up tickets, and am including the resolution time field in various charts. It seems that the resolution time is recorded in minutes, but I'd like to display it in days. I haven't found a way to do this, even with custom metrics, and am hoping someone will have a great solution!
you can do so by editing the widget and selecting goal level as days rather than minutes.

I'm not seeing that as an option? I've used a simple chart, with Average as the metric and resolutiontime as the field being averaged. This is what I see:

I have the same requirement. I think bansalpeeyush29 is referring to one of the Ticket specific widgets that I believe is no longer available (see FAQ's at the end of this page - I haven't found a way using custom metrics either. I'll submit a feature request, but if anyone finds a way, i'm keen to know.
Hey, @ChrisLawton! Just wanted to hop in here and let you know that there is currently not a built in way to report ticket resolution time in days. If you have any further questions about this feel free to reach out to our Support Team!

If you would like to see this functionality created, I’d recommend posting this in our Product Ideas category. Be sure to review the How to Write a Good Product Idea template and our Ideation Guidelines before you post your idea! 😀
I ran into the same problem. What I did is created a "Data calculation field" in the Ticket data settings page and had the start value as "Created at", end value as "Closed at" & chose the time as "days" (there are other options available incl weeks). Once you name this field, it ll be available as an option in the widgets where "resolution time" can be selected. With this method, you can also find and display the "First response time" if that is of a key metric to you.

I tried this method and my resolution time is displaying in days, but with multiple decimal points. For example, resolution time = 0.0053231418443829. Has anyone else run into that problem?
Hi @Chris_Sousa, I have this same issue of multiple decimal points. Were you able to find a solution for this case?
Unfortunately, I have not found a solution to multiple decimal points. When I contacted Support, I was told that there is no way to change the number of places shown. So for now, I'm telling users to ignore all the decimal places.

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