How to visualise unselected multiple choice answer options in a widget | XM Community
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Hi, I hope someone has some suggestions to solve this use case.

I have a survey with many multiple answer multiple choice questions. We use is as a diagnostic and ask clients to "tick everything you're doing".

I want to have a master dashboard that I can copy as a new page, add a filter to isolate the client, and share this single-response dashboard (the client's data) with colleagues to see how the client is performing. The various tickboax options in the survey are like a checklist, where some answer options are more important than others.

I want a way to visualise for colleagues the answer options the client _did not_ select (these will form the basis for recommended remedial actions).

Is there a way to do this? I realise this is not quite what Qualtrics is designed for, so I suspect if there is a solution it will be an adaption or innovation. If its possible at all.

Any and all thoughts are welcome - thanks
Hello @TCA,

We can pipe in the un-selected answer in an embedded data and set this embedded data as text set in vocalize. Use this embedded data to visualize un-selected answer
Hey @TCA ,

So we can use custom metrics here to calculate any possible metric you want to show.

for example : if you want to show the number of people who didn't answer the a specific option say option 4 in Question with with 4 options in the Question we can calculate as: (count of people who opted answer1 + count of people who opted for answer2 + count of people who opted for answer3 ) / (count of people who opted answer1 + count of people who opted answer2 + count of people who opted answer3 + count of people who opted answer4).

(we can get specified counts by selecting the Question and then selecting the specific option.)

This should give a fraction of those who did not opt for option 4 and then you can use any compatible widget to get a visualization .

You can even multiply the fraction by 100 to get the percent or you can change just change the format to percent in the widget you want to use this custom metric.

Hope this Helps 🙂
@TCA - What @Shashi says will serve your purposes the best. In the piping function you can check "unselected choices". This won't work for historic choice though, so you will need to go through and clean up your data in the Data and Analysis tab. Might be a little time consuming, but you will essentially apply a filter that says Question > Selected Choice > Excludes "then one of you options". What will populate is all the responses where "option" was not selected. Now all you have to do is include "option" in the new embedded data "unselected choice".

I probably didn't explain this well, so let me know if you have confused and I'll explain how to clean up your data a bit better.
Hello everyone, thanks for these suggestions, I'll try some of these and ask if I need more help - very much appreciated.
Thanks @Akdashboard, you're right, this is closest to what I'm looking for. I think I follow you about creating embedded data variables for unselected choices in the survey flow, which I can then map to a dashboard.

When I do this for all unselected options in a survey question, the bunch of text I end up with is a text value in the mapping function on the dashboard. I can't really use that with widgets. Bearing in mind that I want a way to visualise for colleagues the answer options the client did not select (these will form the basis for recommended remedial actions).

Working backwards from the dashboard, what kind of field value should I be using? I think this will determine how I desigh the embedded data value in the survey flow?

I hope I'm making sense. thanks agian,
@TCA - You need to do 2 things to fix your issue.

1. You can edit the type of data that populates your new embedded data field. Tod o this, click the blue option button in the bottom right of the embedded data element. You can now change the ED from "Text" (infinite choices) to "Text Set" (finite choices).

2. You can do the same thing when you map the data to Vocalize, just select the data in whatever format it thinks it is (Text probably) and then change the data type to Test Set.

Once you have done this you can use the data field to create chart visualizations of what options weren't selected (by count or % count).
thanks @Akdashboard , I've worked it out.

For anyone searching this in future, I created embedded data variables for each unselected choice with text set field type, then mapped to my dashboard source. Then I created a widget using record grid question type, adding each unselected choice as a metric. Now our account managers can see in the dash the unseletced choices and use these as basis for recommending remedial actions.

It could be a cleaner, neater display, but it's good enough for present purposes.

Any better suggestions are welcome. Thanks again all.

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