Image Link on Vocalise | XM Community
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I'd like to know how to embed a link into an image. We've got a logo of our company that I would like our customers to click on the logo to bring them to our main website. I know we can upload logo or images but I can't seem to figure out how to put a link onto that image.

Could I please get some assistance on this?

Thank you.

Kind regards

Hi @EmilyG

In the Rich Text Editor , insert the image-->then select the image (by using short cut key CTRL + A)--> then click on link icon besides the image upload icon of Rich Text Editor (as highlighted in screenshot below)--> and you will get the option to add URL which will act as a link to the image.

Click add new widget , select image, give path for your image.

Store image in qualtrics library.


Thank you for your instruction. What if I want to further record whether a respondent clicked the link, how do I set up a variable to record it? Thanks.
Hey @daniel_navarro! Be sure to use @ to properly tag and notify a member!

Thank you for your instruction. What if I want to further record whether a respondent clicked the link, how do I set up a variable to record it? Thanks.
@daniel_navarro Unfortunately we can not track this in vocalize because of limited options on this line. 😞 .

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