Mapping constant sum from a matrix table | XM Community
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I have several questions in a survey that are in a matrix table where respondents enter whole numbers and they are added along each row to reflect a constant sum. This works fine if I'm exporting the raw data, but I cannot find a way to map this into Vocalize. Has anyone run up against this issue before? Have you found a way to make it work? Thanks in advance!
You can, with Javascript, set the sums to an Embedded Data field that can be represented in your reporting services! Are you familiar with the Javascript API? If not, I could walk you through it!
> @Michael_Campbell_RedPepper said:

> You can, with Javascript, set the sums to an Embedded Data field that can be represented in your reporting services! Are you familiar with the Javascript API? If not, I could walk you through it!

If you are going this route, you could just as easily write the sums with piped text math.
@AnthonyR and @Michael_Campbell_RedPepper

It's not the sums I am interested in mapping as much as the numbers entered that add to the sums. No matter which data type I select in Vocalize, the questions/answers do not show up as being available for mapping.
> @VirginiaM said:

> @AnthonyR and @Michael_Campbell_RedPepper


> It's not the sums I am interested in mapping as much as the numbers entered that add to the sums. No matter which data type I select in Vocalize, the questions/answers do not show up as being available for mapping.

Hmm, what about setting up embedded data fields for each entry box then, and using those as your data for mapping
> @VirginiaM said:

> @AnthonyR and @Michael_Campbell_RedPepper


> It's not the sums I am interested in mapping as much as the numbers entered that add to the sums. No matter which data type I select in Vocalize, the questions/answers do not show up as being available for mapping.

Hi @Virginia,

I just want to say that I feel your pain. I just spent the last 2.5 days working on creating a data intake form with numerous math operations and javascript code in order to get it to function the way I want... only to try find out that the data entered is marked as "text" and can't be changed. I now have to either map each data value to an ED field in the survey flow, or rebuild my intake form from scratch.


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