Multiple Yes/No Questions in One Widget | XM Community
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Hello ..

I am trying to configure one widget with multiple yes/no questions, and present the data in stacked column format. Imagine a single widget with multiple breakdowns. I have grouped my questions in a Measure Group, and can display as individual bars within the widget, but am struggling to show the yes/no breakdown for each bar.

Thank you for the help,

Hi @Cosmo ,

could you please share the questions type here...

If it is matrix table with yes/no then it should work with measure group.
Thank you for the reply. Each question is a multiple choice question, not a matrix table.
In that case, you can use the already mapped measure group and make sure all the fields are number set (let say Yes=1 and No=0).

In dashboard, map the field in simple chart wherein you will add the measure group in X-axis and in metrics you will use top/bottom box. Using top/ bottom box you need to set the scale value "1" for Yes metrics and similarly value "0" for No. Below is how it will look:!
Thanks so much. I appreciate the help.

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