Order of the options displayed in filters when there are symbols, letters and/or numbers | XM Community
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Hi community!
I am trying to reorder these time fields displayed in one of the filters of my dashboard (More concrete, I would like to have the “> 90 minutes” option, as the last one):
Idea qualtrics.pngThe reason I want to do so is that “> 90 minutes” is a longer time length than “0-15 minutes”. As my intention is to have the filter in ascendant order, it does not make sense to have it in the first place, as shown in the picture. Apparently, because of the 90 having a symbol before, Qualtrics puts it before any number.
Does anyone know a way to reverse this order and have the symbols come after the numbers?
Thank you very much in advanced, I will really appreciate your wise advices :)
Yours sincerely,

Hi ireneperal! If you haven't already, we’d recommend reviewing this support page on recoding dashboard fields to help you get started. If you still have questions after reviewing the linked support page, you'll want to reach out to the Support team, as they are best equipped to help answer questions and provide support! 😁

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