Sharing Vocalize Dashboards with Non-Qualtrics Account Holders? | XM Community
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We have multiple stakeholders who I would like to share our dashboard with, but the majority do not already have Qualtrics accounts. Is there a way to share the dashboard with them without asking them to create an account first? They are all senior leadership with limited time. I don't want their first impression of it to be restrictive and admin-based, I want their first impression to be, "wow look at all the information I have at my fingertips!"

Am I missing something? Or if not, has anyone else found a good way to have their time-sensitive users signup?
I generally go to export the dashboard and choose to email it to the appropriate person/people. While this still has the recipient create an account, it also lets me include a link, widgets and/or a downloadable file (e.g., PDF or CSV) with the email. We have SSO configured at our institution, so creating an account does not take very long once they click on the link and sign in. I haven't had any complaints from those on the receiving end thus far.
Thanks @VirginiaM! I was using the Export Dashboard option and for some reason hadn't explored the Email Dashboard option. Great that it includes the link and download. Much better! Hopefully that will also entice them to create their account to interact with what they can see in the PDF.

Edit: If anyone else is trying this, just FYI, unless the person has a Qualtrics account, they won't get the dashboard link, but they will get the PDF. Best approach seems to be getting our brand ambassadors to create accounts for the people in question so they can get immediate access.
> @AlexW said:

> Thanks @VirginiaM! I was using the Export Dashboard option and for some reason hadn't explored the Email Dashboard option. Great that it includes the link and download. Much better! Hopefully that will also entice them to create their account to interact with what they can see in the PDF.


> Edit: If anyone else is trying this, just FYI, unless the person has a Qualtrics account, they won't get the dashboard link, but they will get the PDF. Best approach seems to be getting our brand ambassadors to create accounts for the people in question so they can get immediate access.

Or you can just hard code the link in the email that would direct them to create the account for themselves.
Thanks @Akdashboard, that could work. Although from what I have been told by support the new account holders would need to be given Vocalize permissions from our brand ambassadors anyway. I'm not sure how true that is, but bulk creating the accounts and giving them access is my safest bet.

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