showing trends based on selected answers in a dashboard | XM Community
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is there a way to show in a widget the top 5 (or any number really) questions that were answered a specific way? my Quality Assurance team is using a survey as data entry/database for evaluations, and the manager of that team has asked if there is a way to show the top 5 questions that were answered as No then the top 5 answered as Yes. we currently have 4 options to select from (Yes/No/Not Applicable/Coaching Only) and those answers currently to not have any numeric value associated to them.

any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Hi @jbarkon! It looks like you were in contact with our Support team and it sounds like you were interested a Top/Bottom Box metric, as explained on this support page. If anyone has any additional questions, be sure to reach out to our Support team!

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