Ticket closure | XM Community
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I want to close all my existing tickets(in open state, in progress state, etc.) which were created in a specific time period. For example, 1st Jan - 31st Jan.

Is there a one step solution available to close all the tickets instead of doing manually?

One of the way can be to use export ticket option to export all the requited ticket id. And then loop this API over the the csv export rows.

I want to close all my existing tickets(in open state, in progress state, etc.) which were created in a specific time period. For example, 1st Jan - 31st Jan.

Is there a one step solution available to close all the tickets instead of doing manually?



Hello Aksh, you can do that via Ticketing workflows, where you can specify the custom date range & take actions on tickets.


@Aksh3235 ,

As @TusharDalwani  mentioned Ticketing workflow is a great option to change the status of the tickets.

Also, as @Shashi mentioned, if you are comfortable with API’s you can use POSTMAN to change statuses of some filtered selection of tickets after they are exported in csv based on TicketKey.


@Aksh3235 we did this using ticketing workflow suggested above already, however we also created a new custom status of ‘archived’ first.  So ticket is automatically moved into ‘archived’ before the next workflow moves it to closed.  Having the interim status when automatically closing it helps our team track/report on what was closed by the system.  We now have this as an automatic process after every ticket hits 30days old.  

Yes, there is an option to close all the ticket within the platform by using ticket deleting API. Please export the tickets and configure the setup as mentioned in the API in your postpones to run instantly.



@Aksh3235 ,

As @TusharDalwani  mentioned Ticketing workflow is a great option to change the status of the tickets.

Also, as @Shashi mentioned, if you are comfortable with API’s you can use POSTMAN to change statuses of some filtered selection of tickets after they are exported in csv based on TicketKey.


So i have tried to use this and it has worked for me when i had to close all tickets., however when i try that with certain conditions eg ticket data (variable = 😵 and ticket status is open. Also i have to choose a created time, so i have input older then 7 days (the tickets i want to close are more then 2 months old). when i save the workflow it seems to do nothing. 

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