Using text topics in a dashboard? | XM Community
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I used the text tool to create a whole bunch of text topics, but now I am having difficulty getting these topics into my dashboard. Is there any way to get them into a widget?
Once you've correctly mapped them in to your dashboard's settings you can definitely create some good pie charts and simple charts with them, at the very least. I have very complicated high level and low level topics so Qualtrics Support always has to help me do some of the initial setup.
@AnneF Would you be able to help me do more of a basic set up? I'm not quite sure where to even start. 😕
@Poppy go into your dashboard, click settings to get to the page where your survey is mapped. To add the Text Topics, scroll to the bottom of the list and to the left you'll find the 'add field' button. Add a field, find one of your Text Topic items in the list where it currently says 'Not Mapped', and then change the field type to Text Set. Then give this a label, click save and go see if you can create a widget on your dashboard. If it looks the way you like, go back to settings and add the rest of your Text Topic items in a similar manner.
You can also map all text topics and sentiment for a given question over at once using a somewhat messy workaround.

Go to Data & Analysis/ Text/ right click anywhere and hit Inspect/ then Network. Refresh the page. A massive chunk of messy code will appear. You'll need to identify the ID for each question. It will look something like "QID8_TEXT_jhlkhjasdfkherwuiqnslSentiment".

Once you have the IDs, add each one in the Settings in vocalize. Each question will have two IDs: one for topics and one for sentiment.

No need to edit over time, new topics will automatically be pulled over as you create them.
I also found the answer on this support page!

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