Vocalize dashboard wrap labels | XM Community
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Hi All,

First post here and I'm rather new to Qualtrics too but already wanting to push the boundaries, (or at least get closer to what excel does!). The charts / widgets in Vocalize / dashboards tend to hide labels when they are too long. There is no legend that could be used to get round that and there is no feature to wrap the labels it seems. I thought I'd be able to edit the labels and inject / force a character return but these characters seem to be ignored. I've tried HTML < Br > and various ASCII characters but they are just ignored by the widget. Please could someone help advise / confirm they've had the same problem?

Thanks in advance

Rod Pestell
Tags can't be used, it have standard text length limit.

Any extra text you can add as information which will show on mouse over
Hi Bansalpeeyush29, thanks for the reply, the problem is we'll be wanting to print it out.
In that case you have to shorten the labels to keep only meaningful text
pitty - so there is no way to inject anything css related or make your own widgets?
No, it is not there, while you can use images if content is fixed.
Hey @Rod_Pestell! If you have not yet already, I would recommend posting this in our Product Ideas category, as it is a feature not already developed by our team. Be sure to review the How to Write a Good Product Idea template and our Ideation Guidelines before you post your idea!

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