Vocalize - Text Topics | XM Community
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Hi All,

I mapped my text topics from a survey project to my vocalize dashboard, according to the guidance in the 'What are text topics and how can I use them in Vocalize?' FAQ.

They seem to have mapped okay and are usable. However, when I create a line chart of text topics over time, it seems to only be giving me the count of exclusive text topics. Basically where a response only has ONE text topic assigned to it. However, many of my responses will be assigned more than one text topic in the survey project area.

So for example, If I had the following responses: 10 - 'apple', 6 of those were 'apple' but also had 'banana' - the chart would display the count for 'apple' as 4, counting only the responses where it doesn't have another topic assigned to it.

I decided to replicate the text topics I had in the survey project and manually add them to my vocalize dashboard. This produced a chart I need, with the overall count of a text topic. So with the above example. the 'apple' count would be 10, which is an ok workaround but is time consuming and likely to lead to inconsistencies between the survey project text topics and the vocalize text topics.

The text topics are likely to be updated regularly and that's why ideally I'd prefer to map them to my vocalize dashboard from the survey project and only update them in survey project. This also means that it can be mapped to multiple vocalize dashboards and I won't need to manually update the text topics in each one.

Is there a way to:

A ) chart the mapped' survey project' topics in Vocalize, so that it counts all of the responses regardless of whether the response has multiple topics assigned.

B ) easily replicate (automate) the text topics between the survey project area and vocalize? Taking into consideration that the topics are likely to need updating with new search terms or additional topics adding.


You can replicate the topics as below.

Go to text under vocalize setting and than click try new text iq. On right when you click ✏️ edit. There you can export the topics from one survey which is json file. This json file you can import in any other survey.
@bansalpeeyush29 I tried looking for the edit button in the vocalize > text > new text IQ but it doesn't seem to exist.

I also found this article - https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/sp-administration/data-privacy-tab/importing-custom-topics/ and at the end of the page it seems to refer to the JSON file import method under 'Admin' but I don't have an 'Admin' tab. Perhaps I have restricted permissions on my account.

I also think importing the topics from survey project to each vocalize dashboard periodically seems a bit difficult.

Are there any other things I could try?

*edit - forgot to say thank you for your response. I wasn't expecting an answer so quickly. Thanks!
It's not difficult while easy because each time you can't create topics by writing conditions. Better to export and import and add extra topics if you want. I don't think admin rights are required for export, import.

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