Help with Workflow condition and send email | XM Community
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Help with Workflow condition and send email

  • 4 July 2024
  • 5 replies

Hello to all 

I need some help with this....

Create a flow so that if the embedded data T_pais is Argentina and the comment contains the word "Calor" or "Frio" send mail to whoever configure...
The problem is that it does not send the mail, it does not work the "Todas las siguientes son verdaderas” because if I remove this clause and only leave the "Algunas de las siguientes es verdadera", if it works and if it sends the mail...



But how do I set the condition if I also need to evaluate the country?


Your conditions are set correctly, probably check with just country condition if that works

Hi @Deepak 

Ahh thank you very much...

Hi @Deepak 

I'm doing the test from the survey preview ... can that be why it does not take the c_country from the url?


In preview link you need to Query it starting with & and not ? like in anonymous link. 

Hi @Deepak 

Thank you very much!

now it works fine ... I had to test it by api ... because it does not take the country by url

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