How do I delete drafts from "My Drafts" in Qualtrics Community? | XM Community
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I have two drafts in "My Drafts" that I started but I don't want/need to finish them. Does anyone know how to delete them? I don't see a delete button anywhere.

They were both created because the system auto saves periodically.
Hey @Clint - thanks for pointing this out!

We actually discovered this was an issue last week & are currently working to update the community theme to allow you to delete drafts. We don't have an exact timeline but I'll keep you posted...

In the meantime, you have two options with drafts:

- Leave them saved in your queue

- Post the message that you drafted up & then delete that post right away

Not the best options, I know, but hopefully that works for the short term.
Thanks for asking this question @Clint was wondering the same thing.

I think the new update has been added. Once you start typing and the draft is created, if you refresh or leave that one page, you'll notice a "Drafts" section located on the left hand side of the menu where "Home" "activity" "My Discussions" are located.

From there, you can select on the draft menu, hover over the draft comment you want to delete, an X will appear and you can delete it then.
> @KatC said:

> @Clint


> I think the new update has been added. Once you start typing and the draft is created, if you refresh or leave that one page, you'll notice a "Drafts" section located on the left hand side of the menu where "Home" "activity" "My Discussions" are located.


> From there, you can select on the draft menu, hover over the draft comment you want to delete, an X will appear and you can delete it then.

Looks somewhat true, but for me the x only appears if you hover over the correct spot in the top right corner of each comment!

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