Product Ideation Category Revamp Coming in 2022 | XM Community
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Product Ideation Category Revamp Coming in 2022


Product Ideation Changes Coming in 2022

Hello, everyone! Michael here, from Qualtrics' XM Community 👋

I wanted to let everyone know that we plan on totally revamping the way the Product Ideas category works on the Qualtrics XM Community in 2022. We will be meeting soon as a team to discuss how best to optimize the product idea experience for everyone.
Included in this process will be lots of member feedback (some of which we have collected already) so that the end result is truly a customer-centric experience.
We want to thank all of the XM Community members who have given us feedback on the Product Ideation category so far, and our goal is to make it a useful, transparent experience with helpful information for all involved.

If you have questions or would like to give me feedback on the current Product Ideas category, send me a DM!




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