Quota Full in several target segments | XM Community
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Quota Full in several target segments

  • 16 July 2024
  • 7 replies


I need your wisdom as I’m experiencing a problem with quotas I don’t know how to solve.

I have several quotas per different target segments per country based on a matrix question response where the question is: “What type of subscription do you have for:

Row 1: X Product (I currently have a subscription, I had a subscription or I never had a subscription as response options)

Row 2: Y Product (I currently have a subscription, I had a subscription or I never had a subscription as response options)


But Y Product subscribers also have a subscription to X Product because they are linked together but paid separately.


So the problem with my quotas comes when:

X Product Subscriber quota already met quota full but as Y Product subscribers also click on subscription to X Product + Y Product and they get screen out because X Product quota is full.


The conditions of quotas are:

X Product:

If Country is (country selected) AND

if X Product is “I currently have a subscription for this” is selected AND

if Y Product is “I currently have a subscription for this” is not selected AND

interview progress is complete (as the quota monitor dashboard was counting incomplete answers too despite I click on the option to not count them)


Y Product:

If Country is (country selected) AND

if X Product is “I currently have a subscription for this” is selected AND

if Y Product is “I currently have a subscription for this” is selected AND

last time Y Product was used is (different frequencies as I have 2 subsegments for Y Product based on frequency of usage) AND

interview progress is complete

(I also tried here without adding the X Product logic, the result is the same, is still screening out these people)


So, Y Product subscribers get screen-out with the message “screen-out quota full X Product” I created. I don’t know how to solve it as X Product quota was met very quickly but I still need to fill Y Product segments quota but due to this issue, people who qualify as such are screen-out for the already met quota. And I can’t eliminate the condition for X Product as there are still users who only qualify for that product and if they answer the survey despite that quota was met, we would have to incentivise them, which is out of our budget.


Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this?

Thank you!

if can, please attach the necessary question image, so that i can give you a solution

Hi @jbk yes, this is the question the quota logic are based on

Thank you!

Remove the y condition from X quota.

is this your last question from the screener?


Hi @jbk 

Thanks again for your reply.

You mean removing condition “Live online classes with teachers is not selected”?

X Product (a.k.a App/Platform for self-study):

If Country is (country selected) AND

if App/Platform for self-study is “I currently have a subscription for this” is selected AND

if Live online classes with teachers is “I currently have a subscription for this” is not selected AND

interview progress is complete (as the quota monitor dashboard was counting incomplete answers too despite I click on the option to not count them)


Thing is, if I remove that condition, I won’t know to which target they belong to. I have 3 targets:

1- App/Platform for self-study only subscribers

2- Live online classes with teachers engaged

3- Live online classes with teachers low engaged


So, the condition:

if App/Platform for self-study is “I currently have a subscription for this” is selected AND

if Live online classes with teachers is “I currently have a subscription for this” is not selected

helps to classify those to the first group. Those in group 2 and 3 are also App/Platform subscribers but also subscribed to Live classes, and there’s where the whole problem with quotas begin.

We completed target 1 in 3 countries, not yet in a 4th country, but have not able to complete target 2 and 3 due to this screen out.


Answering your second question, this is the Q before the last one from the screener. Last question is for those who have a subscription to Live classes, frequency of attendance, which depending on frequency they will be classify as “engaged” or “low engaged”

Thanks again, @jbk .

There is one more question in my screener.

I have 3 targets for my quotas:

1-App/Platform only subscribers

2-Live online engaged subscribers

3- Live online low engaged subscribers


I identify target one based on the following logic:

If Country is (country selected) AND

if App/platform for self study is “I currently have a subscription for this” is selected AND

if Live online classes with teachers is “I currently have a subscription for this” is not selected AND

interview progress is complete


So if I remove the Y condition logic from X, I won’t know if they are App/Platform only subscribers

Then I have a last question in my screener asking for frequency of attendance to classify Live subscribers as engaged or low engaged

I solved the issue by fixing the survey flow

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