Would you like to program all the text in an entire survey just by clicking one button? | XM Community
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Hello, SurvAI Solutions is a small business that just created a Qualtrics app that uses AI to program the text of survey questionnaires directly into Qualtrics. This means that you or your client can create a custom survey in word (or google docs etc.), and our AI software will directly program the text of your survey into your Qualtrics account. Our software will understand the question text, answer text and question type, regardless of the format you have designed your survey with. This means that you do not have to put your survey into a special format to be read by Qualtrics, and you do not have to cut and paste from a word document into the Qualtrics survey builder. 

Please see our webpage and product video for more information about our software: 



Starting next week, we will need beta testers to help us test our software. We just need someone to confirm that you can use our software with the Qualtrics API token that your account generates. We also would love any feedback or suggestions you might have for our product. I am happy to give a $25 gift certificate to our beta testers, if you would like that. Please let me know if you might be interested by providing an email address where I can contact you. Please email us at info@survaisolutions.com if interested. 


And as discussion here, please feel free to post any additional ideas you would find useful for development. What else would vastly simplify the survey building process? And please ask anything else you might want to know about our app and our business. Thank you very much!

@SurvAI Solutions  my feedback is I find the process to create surveys in Qualtrics easy as it is and not sure an AI feature adds a lot of value.  Where AI helps is dynamically editing the questions customers are asked based on their responses, something I’d love to see Qualtrics add. 

Thanks Scott. Creating surveys in Qualtrics is easy in comparison to the standard of other survey platforms (surveymonkey, Alchemer). I find that the survey creation process is at least comparable to those, but can I ask if you tend to create surveys in word or another word processor first and then transfer the survey into Qualtrics? Our product is intended as a time saver for companies or individuals that write a custom survey in word/google docs first (and usually a somewhat longer custom survey rather than 3-5 question survey you might see after a digital experience). 

Thanks Scott. Creating surveys in Qualtrics is easy in comparison to the standard of other survey platforms (surveymonkey, Alchemer). I find that the survey creation process is at least comparable to those, but can I ask if you tend to create surveys in word or another word processor first and then transfer the survey into Qualtrics? Our product is intended as a time saver for companies or individuals that write a custom survey in word/google docs first (and usually a somewhat longer custom survey rather than 3-5 question survey you might see after a digital experience). 

@SurvAI Solutions in some cases we do, however the offline version may be created after we make the changes or draft survey into Qualtrics.  There is time where we need review of questionnaires and as such it’s easier to conduct this outside of the platform and we might do that first.  Some of our questionnaires are 100+ questions, so I understand the need where this gets complicated - just the initial feedback is immediately not solving an issue I know I have.  

If you have written out a survey, you document the flow and question types you want - the time intensive part is done, recreating in Qualtrics doesn’t take that long. If it was, personally I’d be expecting then Qualtrics built a native solution for this.

I do wish you the best of luck with your product though.


This seems interesting and might solve concerns for few organizations for sure. 

Best of luck for your product!!!

Thanks Scott. Creating surveys in Qualtrics is easy in comparison to the standard of other survey platforms (surveymonkey, Alchemer). I find that the survey creation process is at least comparable to those, but can I ask if you tend to create surveys in word or another word processor first and then transfer the survey into Qualtrics? Our product is intended as a time saver for companies or individuals that write a custom survey in word/google docs first (and usually a somewhat longer custom survey rather than 3-5 question survey you might see after a digital experience). 

@SurvAI Solutions in some cases we do, however the offline version may be created after we make the changes or draft survey into Qualtrics.  There is time where we need review of questionnaires and as such it’s easier to conduct this outside of the platform and we might do that first.  Some of our questionnaires are 100+ questions, so I understand the need where this gets complicated - just the initial feedback is immediately not solving an issue I know I have.  

If you have written out a survey, you document the flow and question types you want - the time intensive part is done, recreating in Qualtrics doesn’t take that long. If it was, personally I’d be expecting then Qualtrics built a native solution for this.

I do wish you the best of luck with your product though.


Thanks. About how long does it take you to program a 100 question survey into Qualtrics? I agree its not the most time intensive part of market research, and once you get the hang of it, it is easy. But survey programming also can be automated to a degree, and AI is much faster than a person for 100 question surveys. AI is also cheaper for programming large surveys. 


Thus far, SurvAI Solutions does not aim to use AI for mentally taxing problems that humans have difficulty solving on their own. Rather, SurvAI Solutions seeks to automate mundane repetitive tasks such as transferring a survey written on a word doc to a web based survey platform. But I’d be interested in hearing about other tasks worth automating with AI. What are your pain points? 

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