360 subject report: conditional feedback issue | XM Community
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Hi All,
We have a question related to 360 subject report to display feedback based on individual evaluator response.
Existing Configuration:
360 Survey:
Block 1: two yes/no questions appear to relationship 1 evaluator
Block 2: two yes/no questions appear to relationship 2 evaluator
Subject Settings:
No self evaluation
Self invitations restricted to two evaluators: one with relationship 1 tag, one with relationship 2 tag
Subject Report: The report should display different feedback as follows.
Block 1 no feedback: if either OR both questions responses are no then display this 
Block 1 yes feedback: if both questions responses are yes then display this
Block 2 no feedback: if either OR both questions responses are no then display this 
Block 2 yes feedback: if both questions responses are yes then display this
We tried following two solutions to display feedbacks. Both are not considering each individual evaluator response and not displaying feedback as expected.
Filter: Subject Evaluations
"Text area" with "Display Logic":
Metric -> Min/Max/Sum -> Question equals 0 (for deciding no)
Metric -> Min/Max/Sum -> Question equals 1 (for deciding yes)
"Conditional text" with question based condition:
if Question Min/Max equal to 0 (for deciding no)
if Question Min/Max equal to 1 (for deciding yes)
Please review and let us know any solutions/suggestions. Thank you for your guidance.
Venkata Surreddy

surreddy If you haven't already, I’d recommend reviewing this support page on 360 projects to help you get started. If you still have questions after reviewing the linked support pages, you'll want to reach out to the  Support team, as they are best equipped to help answer questions and provide support! 😁

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