How to receive email survey invitations? | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

I'm currently working on a 360 project and can't seem to send & receive the simple survey invitation - I've got the right sender (me), recipients (which is my contact list, including myself) and content, but somehow when I send it neither I or my collegues recieve the invitation. It's not in spam and just doesn't appear anywhere. However, the Mail History shows that the mail has been delivered. Has anyone else encountered this issue and could enlighten me?

Thanks a lot for your time!
I had this happen once and our IT department had to go in and "whitelist" the Qualtrics email address. Not sure if this is the case in your situation or not...
Yeah, what @VirginiaM said is most likely the issue. A common firewall setting is to prevent the same email from being sent to multiple people from outside a specific domain, as this is a common spam attempt for organizations. Likely your IT department has a way to see which emails get caught in this (often referred to as email isolation). Ask them if something from the domain has been caught. If so, let them know the domain is safe and ask them to add it to their white list.
Yes you're right it's a whitelisting issue, which should be solved by IT. Thanks for your answers!

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