I want to use Display logic for a page in a Subject Report on an Employee 360. It's not working | XM Community
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I have a multiple choice question at the start of my survey, with "yes" or "no" choice options. On the Subject Report, I need to display (or not display) certain pages based on the "yes" or "no" responses. The Subject Report Page Display logics only allow me to pick based on statistics. There are 15 pages to hide for some respondents, so this is vital to my report success. Help?
Hi there,

Have you tried tagging the subjects with metadata based on whether they answered yes or no to the question (i.e. 1 for yes, 2 for no)? And then using dispaly logic based on the metadata that pertains to that subject? Not sure if this would work, but I know I have hidden/displayed pages based on metadata. Hope this helps!
This is a good idea. Hopefully the workaround from @TM_2701 worked, but you might also consider submitting it under Product Ideas.

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