Copying a dashboard from this year's survey to next year | XM Community
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In EE Lifecycle projects, I am unable to figure out how to copy our 2019 dashboard and recreating it for 2020. Is there an easy way to do this? I see answers for CX but that doesn't apply for me. I don't see an option to copy from a previous version of the same survey. Thanks.
Dashboards in Lifecycle projects can be copied either in the same survey or by creating a duplicate(copy) of the source survey. I assume that you want to copy a dashboard from the 2019 survey into 2020 survey. This is not possible unless you create a copy of the 2019 survey.
I did create a copy of the 2019 project and everything else copied over (the survey questions, etc). But the dashboard did not for some reason. I'm wanting to copy over the dashboard from 2019.
That's strange. for lifecycle projects, everything apart from Participants and Responses gets copied over to the new survey. You can try doing it again and if the issue persists, please reach out to Qualtrics Support 🙂

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