Employee Directory search results in alphabetical order | XM Community
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Hi guys,

Am I doing something wrong? I am searching for a number of people (a couple of hundreds) based on metadata. I need the search results in alphabetical order, but it gives not all results in order, but every page is sorted in alphabetical order based on i-don't-know-what. Randomly puts one dude starting with A on one page, another one on the second page, etc... Is there a workaround?
I'm not aware of any sort function. I think to only way is to Export the filtered list to a csv and sort it externally (e.g. Excel).
@TomG , the problem is that I cannot download the search results as well from the Employee Directory. 😢 I have already completed the task manually, but it has taken so long... Ridiculous...
Hi @MsIreen! I would recommend reaching out to our Support Team so they may properly file this as a feature!

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