If this is in relation to an employee onboarding survey setup, do you have a separate lifecycle survey for the hiring managers? This is completely unproven brainstorming, but have you explored the possibilities with concatenating requisition IDs into a single field, checking if you could run an embedded data element in the survey flow to capture and strip requisition IDs off that field, pair it with an “Upate person trigger” (in the Survey Tools), and utilize a survey redirect at the end if Req ID values are still present so that they can loop and retake the survey? I’m not confident all these components are possible, but if I were to explore it, that’d be the first route I’d take.
Alternatively, do you have access to CX surveys and the XM Directory - Full (see the first FAQ for signals on whether you have Full vs. Lite)? I’m asking about this aspect because if you do have CX Surveys and XM Directory - Full, you might find the setup a little easier. With Contacts, you could make a unique identifier that combines the Manager ID and the Requisition ID, then deduplicate records off of that, and automate distributions to each unique record. That way, you could send as many surveys to each manager as they had requisitions.
For the record, I’ve dealt in Employee Experience WAY more than CX and Contacts, so I’m definitely more inclined to figure things out on EX, but the CX approach logistically appears far more simple.
EKitch, were you able to solution this? We have the same need and foundation. Haven’t been able to come up with anything yet.